Cornerstone Custom Post Type Filter Radio Button and Search Keyword

By NetCreative

Working with the latest WP update

Working with the latest Cornerstone update

This is a component working with Themeco Cornerstone Theme Builder. It won’t work on its own. If you are already a user or wish to become one (and I think you should :)), of Cornerstone Theme Builder, then this filter is for you.

If you are looking for an alternative to premium plugins like Search and Filter Pro or Search WP, then you are in the right place. This is a simple filter component created using only Cornerstone component parameters, a few lines of jQuery, and a bit of PHP.

Fields can be displayed as radio button style, it will filter all the selected posts. You can add up to 7 taxonomy parents in this version, and as many child terms as you want.

To see the limitations, please refer to the ‘Key Features’ section below.

This comes with two files:


Unzip the first file,, and import it into the template section of your Cornerstone Theme Builder.

Do not unzip the second file, Instead, go to your WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add New, click on Upload Plugin, locate the second file on your computer, and upload it. After uploading, make sure it is activated.

Version v.1 

New name search-keyword-and-filter-radio-btn-v-1

  • Added a search keyword field that works with meta-query data, such as ACF fields, allowing users to search for specific keywords within the metadata you want to include. The search results will be displayed in the result container.
  • To optimize the search process, metadata must be input manually, ensuring the search is restricted to relevant data instead of scanning the entire database.


What is this plugin able to do?

It uses a query from a php files to filter the posts by post type and displays the results in Cornerstone.

You can configure the options inside Cornerstone without the need for extra plugins.

You can search for keywords within posts and display the results.

Some Key Features

Filter posts from multiple custom post type

You can choose multiple custom post types and filter their posts. The maximum is 15 custom post types.

Exclude some post ID / order / order by

These features will help you get exactly what you want. You can exclude some posts by ID number, order your results in ascending or descending order, and sort by title, post ID, or even numeric metadata.

Filter in modal for mobile view

To be more responsive, you can choose to display the sort and filter options in a modal view only for mobile devices.

Search by keyword field

This feature allows users to perform keyword searches within post metadata, such as custom fields created using ACF (Advanced Custom Fields). By entering specific keywords, users can filter posts based on relevant metadata, ensuring precise and targeted search results. The results are dynamically displayed in a designated result container for a seamless user experience. To optimize performance and avoid unnecessary database queries, the metadata must be pre-defined manually, focusing the search on only the most relevant data. This enhances search efficiency while providing users with accurate and meaningful results.
Some Limitations

Exclusive Use of Radio Buttons for Selection

This component uses only radio buttons. You can select multiple radio buttons to refine the filter, but unlike checkboxes, you can't select multiple children in the same taxonomy parent.

Taxonomy Support: Up to 7 Parent Options

In this version, you can support filtering using up to 7 taxonomy parents. There is no limitation for the children terms of each taxonomy parent. Perhaps in another update, we will enhance this capability.

No Ajax

This component does not have AJAX, so each time you click on the radio button, the page will refresh. We added an anchor link in case your filter is located further down the page. This way, when you click on the filter, the page will redirect to the anchor link, bringing you to the filter's location on the page.

One component sort and filter per page

You can install only one filter per page.

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